Oh, the Horror...

There was nothing spectacular about the birth of Henry Lee, the first-born and only son of Benjamin and Jessica Lee – not their real names, though years in the country would have suggested as much. There was nothing spectacular about the date, November 10th of 1990, when it remained widely ordinary on calendars. There was nothing spectacular about his parents who held down rather menial occupation in Los Angeles’ Koreatown ranging from cleaning houses to laundering clothing to dish washing in an effect to make ends meet. There was nothing spectacular about the home they lived in, small and barely enough room for the trio never mind the children they would inevitably have as the years went on, filling even more with a younger brother and a younger sister brought into the mix.

There was nothing spectacular about his life and yet Henry Lee refused to believe it.

Where many might have looked at their position in life as something to be sad about, something to be depressed about and constantly stressed about, Henry had found it as a concrete bed where something beautiful could bloom when it finally broke through the surface, just naïve enough and just optimistic enough to believe that his life wouldn’t always have to be a struggle. It wouldn’t be easy – it was never easy – but there was always that potential to take what one had and make it better. For Henry, that came through the fantastical. It came in stories of faraway lands and other dimensions. It came in super heroes and their villainous counterparts. It came in something extraordinary that only the mind could come up with, and he found it more easily translatable on paper, in sketches, smooth inks, small paints and colored pencils – whatever he happened to have at the time. Art was the escape from something that wasn’t always beautiful no matter the good there was to find in the day-to-day, and it was there that Henry thrived.

Granted, it took time. It took practice. It took focusing his studies which had often proved the more difficult part in seeing his long-term goals come to life, ever-the deciding factor in whether or not he received a reprimand from his teachers and, in turn, his parents when he spent far more time drawing and doodling small monsters in the margins of his math homework than actually focusing on the lesson at hand. Still, a failing score on an exam wouldn’t steer him away from the life he felt he was made for nor would it stop him from honing those skills he only ever felt matured with time and practice – and there had been so much practice, late nights spent trying to refine sketches he had made throughout the day and trying to come up with that one out of one hundred pieces that had been perfect, pleasant, marketable in some way and means even if it was just for his own enjoyment, his own portfolio or those homemade gifts for friends and family that could be framed and kept forever – or however long someone actually wanted to, though it probably didn’t help his focus had been monsters.

Perhaps not so appreciated until much later in life, it seemed Henry’s far more prevalent inspirational points were taken from the likes of Lovecraft and science fiction horror authors who described monsters in other dimensions and other beings that were otherworldly in nature, often horrific in appearance and perhaps just as horrific in demeanor. High school art classes held criticisms in the realm of “why are your paintings so scary?” or “why are they so dark?” with further queries of where the ideas had come from, where his inspiration sat, and where he thought he would be able to go with it when it fell so far out of the realm of ordinary. Thankfully, there was always a faction of the artistic community that found use for the strange and unexplained, found far more during college than any artistic studies prior where he could come more into his own form than those meant to simply teach him skill and procedure, something prevalent throughout high school art classes and present throughout his college experience at ArtCenter College of Design in Pasadena, California.

Naturally, graduation would have to come first, years and thousands of dollars poured into a bachelor degree that many people didn’t think he would be able to do anything with. No one made money in art with graphic design being prevalent and no one made money in graphic design when even someone fresh out of high school could build and code a website in a matter of days. Finding a way to make a living out of it was a fool’s errand, but one that Henry had no problem taking, submitting what portfolio work he could where he could in hopes of finding that one standing gig where he could bring in at least a solid paycheck from the art he made. Sometimes that meant selling it personally. Other times it meant commissioned work for those who appreciated a similar horror twist. Rarely was it a steady artistic gig where he could thrive based off someone’s work—but those rare moments were what he strove for.

They would be what got his recognized – an up-and-coming artist that could thrive in the fictional realms of video games, comic books, and cover art, assuming there was work to be found in it. As with all things, it took some work. It took some travel. It took a couple of years in a foreign country – Tokyo, Japan – to find himself a place with a game publisher who could use his particularly genre of artistic subject for some terrifying haunts that would eventually be molded and programmed into something seen worldwide. It fit his niche as did the sequel that came out a number of years later, becoming the shining light of his success even among a landscape of showcases for various other mediums.

Following the second release in 2017, Henry returned to Los Angeles to settle in a more familiar setting not far from his parents, his mother of which was in failing health and his father, dealing with the stress of it all, could use some help. Along with his siblings, Henry did his part to help out where he could, but it was for naught when their mother passed away and their father decided to sell their house for a one-way ticket to San Francisco over the course of 2018.

Though 2019 started with Henry taking up residence in San Francisco in hopes of finding some quiet space to mourn and dwell on new ideas for upcoming releases and commissions as well as take care of his father, it took a drastic turn when he found himself subjected to what many referred to as "The Shifts" and was cast into the superhero spectrum as the counterpart of one Benjamin Hargreeves. With subsequent events, Henry was eventually revealed as The Horror when he was captured on video holding up a collapsing building in Chinatown to ensure the safety of those within before walking away from the event unharmed. Since then, he has been trying to make the best of what is a poor situation, constantly at odds with what he wants in life and what he thinks he can get now that he is a known super.

With the inclusion of magic in his repertroie, things have taken a turn for the better in not only a new job at a magic shop, Arcana, but his own perception of just who he can be in this new life that is worlds away from his own.


The child that would become Ben Hargreeves was born at the same time as forty-two other extraordinary children. As a baby, he was adopted by the world-famous scientist and entrepreneur Sir Reginald Hargreeves with the express intention of training them to save the world. Ben lived at the special academy set up by Hargreeves to train the children.

Designated as Number Six by Hargreeves based on usefulness, Ben had the ability to channel eldritch creatures from another dimension through a portal under his skin, most often displayed as tentacles emerging from his stomach. Growing up, he had a naïve and enthusiastic nature that led to him being easily manipulated. Sir Reginald found Ben's abilities to be fascinating but gruesome and had to learn to suppress a feeling of nausea in order to study the condition further.

Tie Ins


• Henry is a notorious workaholic, be it spending hours on end to complete commissions when he has them or spending extra time at Arcana beyond his normal working hours. His artistic mediums include arylic and oil, illustration mediums, and digital prints for a variety of work that have included video game concept art and character models - namely The Evil Within and The Evil Within 2, comic book covers and panels, cover art for novels, and various freelance commissions.

• Henry was outed in 2020 as The Horror following the collapse of a restaurant in Chinatown wherein he used his abilities to keep the ceiling up with the help of Green Lantern Barbara Gordon while the restaurant patrons cleared out. Thanks to intangibility, he walked away from the incident unscathed.

• The Horror was briefly the Horseman of Pestilence in 2020 upon the emergence of Apocalypse and Archangel in San Francisco following the intrusion of Clan Akabba into the C.S.A. This was only a month after the mutant growth hormone caused him to open a portal to Rotworld, allowing some of Sethe's influence to spill through.

• Henry has read the Darkhold, albeit not in its entirety, resulting in an alternate future where Chthon, using the abilities gained over the course of henry's time as a shifter, had drowned San Francisco and cast it into darkness. While it had made him a once-target for the C.S.A., the Dark Multiverse collapsed following the sacrifice of his doppelganger from said alternate timeline, again utilizing the Darkhold to do so. His attempts to keep Chthon at bay relied primarily on an untapped ability of eldritch magic and the Bloodgem Ring until a run in with Mister Sinister and Mindee Cuckoo during Madelyne Pryor's siege on Krakoa compartmentalized his presence. While still present, chthon is an inaccessible source of amplified power.

• As of June of 2020, Henry resided with Aten Romanescu, the then-Wonder Woman, instead of what was essentially squatting at the Hargreeves Mansion following the contamination of his apartment by The Rot earlier in the year. Wth her departure in October of 2020, Henry is now the adopted father of her tiny cavalier, Faline, which is now co-parented with now-Wonder Woman, Penny Dupree.

• In September of 2020, Henry was enlisted by the then-Magik as a guardian of Limbo, resulting in the formation of a district aptly called the eldritch district as Henry was able to access Limbo through spells in the Darkhold that aided with transporting escapees from Battleworld back to Earth.

• He died in January of 2021 at the hands of Hecate following submittance to The Black Vortex. He has since been resurrected as of February 2021 by Lily Saylor, but hasn't really been quite right since.



owned by molly saylor, also known as madelyne pryor, arcana operates as both a magic shop and safe haven for magic users. created on a supercharged leyline in the wake of use of the reality gem, it is a mix of a dark hogwarts and apothecary with the front of the shop resembling a traditional shop while the back has a number of doorways that shift at will. an employee of arcana as well as accomplice to its creation, henry works monday through friday in the mornings, but can often be found at the shop after hours if necessary. it is linked to the hargreeves mansion and hotel oblivion by way of the televator.

primarily used for conjuring creatures trapped within and portal transportation, the darkforce dimension was first accessible to henry by way of his darkforce manipulation as he honed his ability over time and, eventually, made whole by his partial possession by chthon. a void of space in pitch black, the darkforce dimension is not one to spend time in for the negative affects it has on one's own sanity and life force and, as such, is only accessed in moderation.

the childhood home and headquarters of the umbrella academy, the hargreeves mansion sits in the location of the william westerfeld house in san francisco. while much of the mansion remains as it was during the resdiential years of the hargreeves family, the statue of ben hargreeves has been unearthed upon emergency of henry's dark water manipulation and moved to an undisclosed cemetery elsewhere in the city.

hotel oblivion is a large hotel tower built by the monocle that served as a prison for notorious criminals caught by the umbrella academy, including, but not limited to dr. terminal, perseus xi, the murder magician and obscura until 1980 when perseus x broke every prisoner out of the hotel. it has been left empty since, no longer guarded by scientific man, and serves as a waypoint in after space.

originally accessed by way of the darkhold, henry was granted a district of limbo from magik as of september 25, 2020. aptly referred to as the eldritch district, formation in early october envisioned it as an early industrical city with an architectural resonance between the late 1800s and the early 1900s. while sections of the district are relatively "safe" and in livable and operational condition despite the ghost town atmosphere overall, the deeper recesses of the district are home to a number of monstrous denizens, former demons of limbo taken shapes more appropriate for the area. at the center stands a clocktower which serves as his own chambers within the district, operational as such with a myriad of configurations to use keep safe in the event of an uprising.