By all appearances, you feel confused, vulnerable, and full of doubts, but not all is as it seems. Feel the fear and do it anyway because all will turn out well, bringing about the new and unexpected. Turbulent emotions are muddying the waters, so step back, take a deep breath, and try and find clarity of mind no matter how difficult this proves to be. Stick with it. Even if tough or confusing, it is the right path for you.
You want it all! This is a passage from one phase of your life to another. If you are not sure what or who you need to give up to reach the next phase, trust that things will resolve themselves over time and whatever the outcome, it will be of benefit to you.
You are fearful of the future and lacking in self-belief, afraid your hopes will be dashed, but fear not - your card signifies a time of joy and fulfilment. Good health, possibly after time of illness, and good fortune will give you a new zest of life, so if you’re considering a new job or career, travel, or even a new love again, go for it!
Your self-confidence and courageous spirit is unstoppable at the moment. Be patient and compassionate, self-disciplined and strong and you will reap great rewards for your courage.
Watch out for arrogance and ego! Don’t let it get overinflated! Temper, too, will only set you back and if this doesn’t sound like you, beware of someone like this who can set you back. This is a time of movement and change, and conflicts ending in victory, so don’t give up!
This is a final opportunity to change course because the temptation you are experiencing won’t lead to a happy ending. If you are feeling low in self-belief and self-worth and doubt your abilities, don’t. Have more confidence and know that it isn’t too late to change direction.